Sunday, May 3, 2009

Attending Writer's Conferences

Magic happens when I go to Writer's Conferences. I'm sure of it. Yesterday I went to the SCBWI (Society of Children's Writer's and Illustrators) Conference in NorCal at Davis. It was a bitty one, but still had all the essence with it. Linda Joy Singleton gave a great talk on networking on the Internet. She wrote the Dead Girl Series. I saw the book at the last Writer's Conference at the Asilomar in Feb. 09 and it reminded me to buy it this time. After a long drive home, I began reading the great beginning. And as they say, "Read, read, read, and write, write, write." It was perfect for me, cause I needed to work on my beginning for my middle grade novel I'm working on. I received some great advice from agent Nathan Bransford with Curtis Brown Ltd. about reworking my beginning. Ah, new beginnings are always interesting. After being surrounded by so many inspiring people and beginning again, I woke jazzed and inspired to write.