Monday, March 31, 2008

Another Wish

This is another lovely wish I am sending out to the universe....A John Newberry Medal. If wishes come true, then why not wish big?! I can already see my book published with this lovely symbol attached to the front cover. Yes, it's only a sticker, but it means my book is accepted and honored for making a difference, and this is my goal.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

All My Wishes Come True!

Just recently I tested the Law Of Attraction with a little wish. I asked for a 1961 penny to come to me. Now if you think about this, a penny in the 70's is quite rare, and even rarer to find a penny from the 60's, so asking for this specific date was a sure sign for me.
After a couple of days, I started to wonder if my wish was too impossible since I rarely use cash (I'm always trying to get air miles on a credit card), but I let it alone and left my wish out in the universe and hoped. Days passed and even a week and still no sign of my 1961 penny until one day when I was cleaning up the family room where my son and his college buds hang out, when I noticed a penny sitting on the couch cushions next to the remnants of lottery scratchers. I asked one of the kids (Ryan)sitting in the room, what the date was on the penny, not expecting it to be one even close to the date of my wish since it didn't have that extra worn look of a 47 year old penny.
You guessed, it was a 1961 penny! In all my excitement I explained my wish and was validated that all my wishes come true.
Ryan of course, suggested next time I ask for a nickle and by the way, he was sure Grace left the penny with her scratcher mess.
It was a sign to me to know that what I ask for may not come in the expected way, but to know it will come.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Writing and Exercise

Writing is like exercise. It feels sooooo good when you do it, but it takes the "get up and go" attitude to do it. I only bring this up because I have found myself doing everything but writing the past few days. Yes, I know it's spring and it triggers spring cleaning, but a writer must write, just as a human must exercise to keep the body moving. Oh, this photo is my goal. I want to feel like my daughter did for this shot. So thankfully, I have this blog to write a bit, so I can leap into the air and feel the high.
By the way, today I declared it a day I was ready for positive change....wait, SO ready for positive change.
Off to change, yet again!

Monday, March 10, 2008

5 Random Things About Myself

The idea of writing 5 random things about myself was proposed to me by a dear friend in her blog. She shares it all and exposes all the aspects of herself freely. It got me to thinking about how so many of us, especially myself, only expose the safe parts of our beings. Why is this and why not? Being a great writer is to expose oneself and reveal the ever amazing heart connection. So here goes off the top of my head.:
I adore the smell of spring.
I long for more touch.
I am filled with joy when the sun touches my skin.
Water is a glorious element that makes me feel new.
I believe in fairies.