Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Chilly Weather....Need motivation

Since it's looking rather gray or is it grey? Anyway back to my thought.....I thought (a lot of thought here) that I would write in the color grey. I'm stickin' with the "e" spelling since it looks more like a wolf word. I don't know why it does for me, but it does and wolves are grey with an "e" in my world. That leads me to my purpose for writing here today...NEED MOTIVATION in chilly grey weather. It's not just motivation for writing, but for so many things in my life. I want to feel more motivated to clean something, create something (this blog counts today), and make some changes. So, to pin point some changes on my mind, they are the usual: lose some weight (I'm getting sick of that one!), write more, be happier, clean, exercise more, take the dog for a walk, be way happier, breathe deeper more often, create something BIG.
Hummm......there is all sorts of big things I could create. I gotta get to creating something.