Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market

I sit before me a lovely purple copy of the 2008 Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market. On the cover is a fish that already tells a story if you listen carefully, but I need to dive into the pages find a publishing company/agent to represent my lovely body of work. As is flip through the pages I stop on art work and successful published books, they are all inspiring and hopeful and I feel their magic. The possibilities are unlimited. I am ever hopeful.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

More Books Beginning to Bloom

Sometimes I go through phases where book idea just keep coming to me. I seem to be in a vacuum of ideas streaming into me and I can't jot them down fast enough. Yesterday I began two more ideas: Fairy Quilt and Negative Nelly & Negative Norman. I'm excited about both ideas and have created scenes for both. The Fairy Quilt is magical and fills the mind with wonder. Negative Nelly & Negative Norman is funny and will keep them laughing. Maybe it's spring and everything is blooming new! With so many great ideas, I will be writing for years to come.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Book Ideas

So many times book ideas come to me and I want to dive right in and begin a new book. This would mean that I would begin another new book every few days. I know this all sounds a bit crazy, but it's true and it happens often. I'm inspired by the strangest things. Today I remembered the feeling I've had since a little girl. I've always believed that if there was a disaster of any kind, I would be the one to survive. It may be a very natural feeling, but I don't ever hear anyone mention it. I think there may be something there for a young reader. Not just surviving, but the belief that the character will survive no matter what.

With so many choices and unfinished books to write, I will have to survive for a long time!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Submissions to Agents and Publishing Companies

When submitting to literary agents and publishing companies, the song comes to mind...."ON the road again. Just can't wait to be on the road again.,,,"
So as I hum the tune I think about the journey I set off with reading, re-reading my queries, checking lists of Editors and Predators, every list that my have a good connection or suggestion to send a query to, and just filling my good vibes and energy into each submission in hopes of an offer.
This time, I think I'm gonna have a different attitude. Instead of waiting for an offer, I'm just gonna keep going and "truckin'" along down the road. I'm gonna just wait to see what comes across my path on this next journey. Sure I'll get lost, but it's all part of the adventure. Who know what will come about with each adventure???
"On the road again...........

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fool's Day

The first day of April is a day of trickery, kind of like the October holiday of Halloween. I wonder how it all started? I love history! I not really big on tricking others, because I don't really liked to be tricked. For me this day marks the first of a month and another beginning. My beginning this month is to organize all the notes I have on publishers, agents, and editors. Hopefully after that I will have this grand list that I can easily find who and when I have sent submissions. Off to find a great database for this task.