Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Chilly Weather....Need motivation

Since it's looking rather gray or is it grey? Anyway back to my thought.....I thought (a lot of thought here) that I would write in the color grey. I'm stickin' with the "e" spelling since it looks more like a wolf word. I don't know why it does for me, but it does and wolves are grey with an "e" in my world. That leads me to my purpose for writing here today...NEED MOTIVATION in chilly grey weather. It's not just motivation for writing, but for so many things in my life. I want to feel more motivated to clean something, create something (this blog counts today), and make some changes. So, to pin point some changes on my mind, they are the usual: lose some weight (I'm getting sick of that one!), write more, be happier, clean, exercise more, take the dog for a walk, be way happier, breathe deeper more often, create something BIG.
Hummm......there is all sorts of big things I could create. I gotta get to creating something.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Everyone is blogging and I'm just figuring out this network. The best method of attack is to run as fast as I can and try and jump on. You know like a merry go round at the park. They used to have those dangerous contraptions at just about every park when I was a kid. Now we are all so politically correct and safe that kids had to go and create half pipes and do unbelievable stunts. It makes me chuckle when I think of our silly world and what we think is "right."
As for my rambling, I'm expecting this place to be home for sparks to ignite and burn brightly thus warming our souls.
Here's to soul warming!!!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

I write, therefore I edit

Ahhh......this is a sigh and also relief. It is time for me to edit my book and tie up any loose ends and make it all pretty like. I took a book that I originally wrote for a picture book and grew it into a Middle Grade Novel. This means I added another 80 pages (so far), because when I begin the edit, I always find where I need to transition and add more to bring the story to life.
This is my Don't Tell, It's A Secret book. It is time to launch it and send it out into the world to live a life of its own. Like a baby bird, it's time to let it fly.
Gotta go and get to editing, so I can let it fly!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Oh, This Journey

Sailing along through life is full of challenges! Calm waters, dead calms, rough seas, wind, rain, sleet, sun, and violent storms all are part of the sea we travel. As much fun as hanging over the side to keep the boat afloat in high winds, I seek calm and peaceful waters. But then again, I guess I would never get anywhere and just float along ever so slowly.
I'm remembering this thought as I adjust my sails and tighten the ropes for a more efficient journey. Hey.....I get sea sick!

Saturday, April 28, 2007


Putting together a blog site is a challenge. There are lots of colors and places to stick photos, but learning to maneuver around the program, I experience obstacles and places where I compromise. It's kind of like life. No matter what we do or what we have chosen to do, there will be obstacles and places of compromise. If I have two places I want to be at the same time, I must compromise for both. For in one I am missing the other. Ahhh....tis life.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Out there!

Composing a blog about myself is a bit interesting. I am putting myself "out there" and sharing who I am. It is a bit exposing. I can't think of anything I need to hide, but somehow it causes some small feelings of fear. Fear is one of those emotions I am trying to dissolve in my life and move into a space of faith and trust. So, this avenue is probably a good place to trust that I will attract energy of goodness and of the "White Light," that will inspire me to create positive change in my books and actions.
I am creating children's literature that will create change in the lives of those who read my work. I have some other ideas on the back burner for adults too, and know that they will come at the perfect time. This journey is an interesting one and I try to step forward with ease accomplishing each of my goals one at a time.